Doctor blows the whistle on chemotherapy
Doctor blows the whistle on chemotherapy
YouTube censored this video that explained the poor success rate of chemotherapy

New research conducted at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine has found that chemotherapy spreads cancer throughout the body, causing a sharp increase in cancer cells circulating throughout the body (including the lungs).

Top oncologists say that in 97% of cases, chemotherapy does not work; the only reason it is used is "Money". (published at

Dr Hardin Jones (now deceased), a professor at the University of California in Berkeley, studied cancer patients' lifespans for more than 25 years and concluded that, despite popular belief, chemotherapy doesn't work.

He witnessed numerous cancer patients treated with chemotherapy die horrible deaths. Dr Jones found that cancer patients who underwent chemotherapy died more quickly than those who did not.

Chemotherapy Spreads Cancer

Debbie's letter to her ocologist
Debbie's letter to her ocologist

This lady (Debbie Loughlin) was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She followed her doctor's and oncologist's advice. She had modern treatments. She's written an open letter: "Dear Dr. (oncologist)".

This is a must-read if you are suffering from cancer.

Testimonials From Doctors And Researchers

Dr Darrell Wolfe talks about chemotherapy
Dr Darrell Wolfe talks about chemotherapy
Dr Darrell Wolfe - Author . International Lecturer . Teacher . Practitioner

"... the quick shrinkage of tumours that are sometimes seen in chemotherapy or radiation therapy is not a sign of recovery from cancer. It is a complete shutting down of the normal immune response."

Dr Charles Moertel talks about chemotherapy
Dr Charles Moertel talks about chemotherapy
Dr Charles Moertel Of The Mayo Clinic In Baltimore

"The major chemotherapeutic drug, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), only produces an objective response in 15 to 20% of patients.

Even then, improvements were only partial and temporary. This very poor result is offset by the toxicity of the drug and the disastrous emotional upsets caused by the side effects."

Patrick Quillin talks about malnutrition and chemotherapy
Patrick Quillin talks about malnutrition and chemotherapy
Patrick Quillin - Author Of "Beating Cancer With Nutrition"

"40 percent of cancer patients die of malnutrition, not of cancer.

Cancer is a wasting disease. Appetite is affected. You end up in the hospital with food that you’re unfamiliar with. Chemo and radiation can induce cachexia or lean tissue loss. So malnutrition kills 40 percent of cancer patients."

Ian Jacklin talks about chemotherapy
Ian Jacklin talks about chemotherapy
Ian Jacklin - Filmmaker And Researcher

"... chemotherapy does not work for stem cells, the cancer stem cells. We know radiation makes the cancer stem cells worse. So, I don't know why either one of those would be used."

Chris Wark reports: the industry studies tell us that chemotherapy is carcinogenic
Chris Wark reports: the industry studies tell us that chemotherapy is carcinogenic
Chris Wark - Cancer Survivor, Author And Lecturer

".. the industry studies tell us that chemotherapy is carcinogenic. It causes secondary cancers. Many chemotherapy drugs are known carcinogens and listed by the US National Toxicology Board as carcinogens. They cause cancer."

Dr. Roby Mitchell - M.D: Chemotherapy and Radiation cannot cure cancer
Dr. Roby Mitchell - M.D: Chemotherapy and Radiation cannot cure cancer
Dr. Roby Mitchell - M.D.

"... Chemotherapy, radiation. If you go to the Cancer 101 book, it will tell you that they can’t cure cancer. The cell kinetics are just against it. That will never happen."

".. We must understand that the thing that cures cancer is your immune system."

Dr Veronique Desaulniers: 2.2% success rate against cancer over 5 years
Dr Veronique Desaulniers: 2.2% success rate against cancer over 5 years
Dr Veronique Desaulniers Breast Cancer Conqueror

A study at the University of Sydney, Australia, looked at 22 different cancers over five years. They found a 2.2% success rate with chemotherapy (2.3% in the USA).

Pro-modern medicine-sponsored supporters have written the following article. Please click on it if interested:

Chemotherapy Background

97% of the time chemotherapy does not work
97% of the time chemotherapy does not work
During the Second World War, the deadly mustard gas "Cyclophosphamide" was used to kill soldiers. This gas can indiscriminately kill rapidly dividing cells.

In their wisdom, scientists decided that this product could cure cancer as its cells divide quickly.

Unfortunately, cancer cells are not the only cells that divide rapidly. Our T and B cells, which are responsible for our resistance to diseases, also divide in this manner.

Introducing chemotherapy drugs into our bodies will seriously weaken our immune system.

The earlier chemotherapy drugs were called “nitrogen mustards.”

The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre started treating breast cancer with these drugs in 1942. No one was cured.

Other tests were conducted at Yale University around 1943 when 160 patients were given the drugs. Once again, no one was cured. But, as the tumours were shrinking, researchers proclaimed the trials a “success.”

Chemotherapy Side Effects

  • Nausea Vomiting

  • Hair loss

  • Kidney damage

  • Hearing loss

  • Seizure

  • Nerve damage

  • Bone marrow suppression

  • Anaemia blindness

  • Loss of motor functions

  • Thrombosis

  • Destruction of bile ducts

  • Bone tissue death

  • Immune system destruction

  • Restricted growth

  • infertility

  • Lower white & red cell count liver damage

  • Increased risk of leukaemia

  • Ovarian failure in early menopause

  • Heart problems

  • Lactose malabsorption

  • Etc...

Chemotherapy not only has extremely low cure rates, but it also kills healthy cells and often makes cancer worse.

Medical staff handling chemo drugs are warned to wear double latex gloves, goggles, and protective gowns and to avoid breathing it due to its toxic effects.

In a survey of 79 cancer doctors conducted by McGill University in the United States, 58 doctors (73%) stated that they would not be part of trials on chemotherapy drugs.

Why? Because of the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its toxicity.

child lying on bed while doctor checking his mouth
child lying on bed while doctor checking his mouth