Psychic Surgeon James

Psychic Surgeon James was born on April 11, 1968 in Tubo, Abra, particularly on the creek of Til-Organ, Philippines.
James commenced his massage work as a village therapist for the local farmers at the age of 12. He discovered that when he massaged the elderly farmers, their body pains vanished, resulting in greater appreciation from them. He continued his practice as a therapist in the city of Lourdes, where he met with his relative, Segundo.
He married the niece of psychic surgeon Lawrence in 1995.
He has provided psychic surgery treatments in Baguio, Poland, the Czech Republic, and various other European and Asian countries.
James has served as an assistant to psychic surgeon Jose Segundo in Lourdes, Baguio City, and to psychic surgeon Lawrence. Additionally, he practised as a massage therapist for their clients.
Psychic surgeons Segundo and Lawrence are his relatives, and he began collaborating with them in 1995.
His psychic surgery abilities emerged in the year 2000. This marked the time when he started performing massages and healing on clients at the centre of Jose Segundo in Lourdes.
James's full psychic surgery powers increased when he worked alongside psychic surgeon Lawrence,.
James is a Very Powerful Psychic Surgeon
James channels very powerful guides when operating. These guides perform the healing.
James does not need to know about a specific disease to heal a client.
I have witnessed James successfully work on numerous health problems that baffle modern medicine.
James is different from other healers I know. He understands the causes of diseases well and can give general advice on regaining health. It is a rare skill for a healer, as most are only interested in their surgery and do not address the causes of diseases.

Patrick & James understand the causes of diseases

James and Patrick complemented each other perfectly. They both know that to cure a disease, you must remove its causes. Removing pus, tumours, and other deposits or boosting an organ's function is insufficient.
Unless the cause of the disease is removed, it will come back.
I have tested this logical fact on numerous occasions.
A story to illustrate the importance of making changes

First Visit of a Customer with Breast Cancer.
One of my lady visitors had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She came on one of my trips with her husband. The gifted surgeon worked on her breast and physically removed deposits. This couple was well pleased.
I talked to her about removing the reasons why her cancer developed initially, but she was not interested as she believed the surgeon had completely cured her cancer.
Her Second Visit
They joined one of my other trips three months later. Her breast cancer had come back and was progressing aggressively. Once again, the surgeon cleaned her breast area.
I tried to get her to consult with me. This is offered free of charge when you join one of my trips. I could then explain why her cancer had returned and guide her towards proper recovery.
Her husband was all in favour, but she believed, once again, there was no need as the Psychic Surgeon had removed all tumours.
Her Third Visit
This couple came back a couple of months later. Her cancer had spread to her liver, and she looked very poorly. This time, her husband and I convinced her to have a consultation.
I explained the changes she needed to make:
Changes to her diet
The products to avoid
Herbs and supplements she needed to take to fight her cancer
Instructions on how to fight the Epstein-Barr virus in her body (always present with breast cancer)
How to remove mercury, lead, copper, arsenic, aluminium, nickel, cadmium, and other deadly metals—plastics, radiation, chlorine, fluoride, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, cleaning solvents, etc.—from her body as those feed cancers, viruses, bacteria, and cause inflammation.
She said she would.
No More Visits
Her husband called me a few weeks later and told me his wife never made all the changes I had advised. Instead, she had some modern treatment and died a few days before his phone call.
This is a sad story, but unfortunately, she is not the only visitor who believed that removing tumours cures cancer.
It does not!
You also need to work on the cause of cancer. Explaining how to do that is what I do during my consultations.