Herbal Remedies for Beginners
Discover the natural healing properties of herbal remedies for a healthier, harmful-side-effect-free lifestyle.
The Herbal Remedies for Beginners Book offers a natural and holistic approach to healing, providing numerous benefits compared to modern medicine's potentially harmful drugs. Herbal remedies are generally considered safe for long-term use.
Many people appreciate herbal remedies' sustainable and environmentally friendly aspects.
Say you have heart problems...
Search for heart in the book. The following will come up:
Astaxanthin helps prevent heart attacks.
Cilantro is excellent support for the heart due to its blood pressure and cholesterol-lowering action.
Cinnamon is known to help increase circulation and contains anti-clotting (blood clot) compounds, making it highly beneficial for preventing strokes, heart attacks, and other coronary artery diseases.
This was only a small sample of the herbs that were found with this search.
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Here are a few examples of how the herbal remedies book can help you...
Say you have breast cancer
In our search box, type "Breast', and our book will display:
"Reishi mushrooms have successfully fought breast cancer."
And if you like mushrooms... "Maitake mushroom could help suppress the growth of breast cancer cells."
Valuable information will also be displayed: "The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the most aggressive and always present with breast cancer.". Knowing this, you could search for Epstein Barr to eliminate your virus.
You could also type "cancer". One of the results would be:
Burdock Root cleanses the lymphatic system and the blood, thus strengthening the lymph nodes and killing pathogens and cancer cells.