A Diploma course in Anatomy & Physiology
Why study an Anatomy Physiology course?
You may want to study Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) to learn how your body works, where all the organs are, and their functions.
The diploma in Anatomy & Physiology can be a crucial asset for your professional work, enhancing your credibility and opening up new career opportunities.
Studying anatomy and physiology is necessary to gain a recognised qualification in subjects such as Body Massage, acupressure massage, Indian head massage, Reflexology, etc.
Without this knowledge, it would be dangerous to give a massage treatment.
Our course will cover an in-depth study of the following:
The skin
The skeletal system
The muscular system
The vascular system
The lymphatic system
The respiratory system
The digestive system
The endocrine system
The urinary system
The reproductive system
The nervous system
Accessory organs
First aid
Your diploma
Tests and Diploma
You may want to take a test at the end of each lesson to check how well you have retained what you learnt.
Once you have completed the test and pressed the “Submit” key, you will get your results, and we will get a copy (we will never share your results with any third party).
Suppose your score is above 80%; congratulations! If you are below 80% and you eventually request a diploma, we will ask you to study the lesson again and retake the test.
These tests will help us determine whether to issue you with our optional diploma at the end of the course. As you know, requesting this certification is entirely optional. A small charge is levied to cover our administrative work if you order this qualification.
The following institution recognise our diploma:
I.P.T.I. (Independent Professional Therapists International) is a United Kingdom-based organisation. I.P.T.I. serves the needs of aestheticians and complementary therapists throughout the world. Their membership is open to all therapists holding national or state-recognised qualifications in various therapies.