This webpage aims to provide information on which foods should be reduced or eliminated for optimal health and which foods should be added to promote healing within the body.

Making the necessary adjustments to our diet can significantly impact our overall well-being and contribute to the prevention and management of various health issues. By understanding different foods' role in our health, we can make informed choices that will support our body's natural healing processes and promote long-term vitality. It is important to pay attention to what we consume and to make mindful choices that will benefit our health in the long run.

I am Vegan banner
I am Vegan banner

Veganism to regain health

Why I (Patrick) Got Interested In Veganism V Cancer

I was diagnosed with liver and large intestine cancer in July 1991.

I researched what medicine had to offer and decided to avoid it.

My recovery was due to:

  1. Changes in my diet.

  2. Detoxing my body from all the chemicals that partly triggered my cancer.

  3. I worked on my emotions.

  4. I used herbal supplements to clean my body and boost my immune system.

  5. I changed the products I used daily (toothpaste, etc..).

  6. I stopped using toxic supermarket cleaning products and other merchandise.

  7. And quite a bit more

A Consultation With Patrick

Internet health consultation
Internet health consultation

Having survived my colon and large intestines cancer, I believe that I gained an enormous of knowledge as to what to do to recover health.

Should you want to have a one-to-one consultation with me, check this page.

Avoid Vegan diet pitfalls book for sale
Avoid Vegan diet pitfalls book for sale

Veganism is the best diet in the world if you follow the advice in this book.

Many who tried this way of eating got it wrong and abandoned it.
This book will show you what they have done wrong and help you do it right.

Some become vegan to be like their partner, who already is on this way of eating. A great move, and hopefully, they will like it and stick to it.

Some become vegan due to health problems, which is a very good move. This book will guide you to do it properly.

Some become vegan to be like some of their friends. This can end well, or maybe they won’t like it.

Some become vegan as they are against killing animals for food.

Some believe that eating animals causes climate change, deforestation, and other environmental issues, as well as the ethical considerations surrounding animal welfare.

Whatever the reason for becoming vegan, as you are reading this book, I believe you have made up your mind, and I wish you luck in your new, healthy future.

Why Become Vegan

I wrote this book because this way of eating partly saved my life (Patrick), and I want to help others recover their health.
$ 9.95 Order this "Avoid Vegan Diet Pitfalls" book below in PDF format

The health advantages of a vegan diet compared to a carnivorous diet are enormous.

  • Vegetarians have 14% lower cancer risk than meat-eaters, study finds.

  • In a large U.S. study, men following a vegan diet were 35% less likely to develop prostate cancer.

  • In some studies, vegan diets seem to be associated with the best long-term health.

  • Women following a vegan diet showed a trend for lower risk of breast cancer.

  • You are less likely to suffer from heart problems

  • It will keep your cholesterol down

  • Your liver will be happier with less fat to process

  • Your stomach will find it easier to keep a proper content of hydrochloric acid

  • Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits protects you against cancer and many other diseases that baffle modern medicine

  • When done properly, it will keep your weight down

  • You are less likely to get sick

  • It will manage diabetes by lowering A1C levels

  • Veganism is an amazing diet if you want to keep healthy.

Common Vegan Diseases

Blocked artery
Blocked artery

Blocked artery

If your vegan diet is not tuned, you will end up with the same diseases as meat eaters.
  • Cancer

  • Neurological problems

  • Blocked arteries

  • Heart problems

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Stroke

  • Fatty liver

  • etc...

The above are unfortunately common.

The biggest problems for new and experienced vegan eaters are fat consumption and food specially made for vegans (i.e. vegan cheese).

Some vegans told me they do not eat animal fat, so fat excess cannot apply to them. I thought so as well, and I was wrong.

The vegan source of fat

Vegans can eat many seeds, nuts, avocados, beans, coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut butter, good vegetable oils (fries, salads), etc... These are good fats, but if you overeat them they can cause difficulties, as mentioned earlier.

The Problems With Fat

Good fats, but is it really
Good fats, but is it really
  • Too much fat in your diet thickens your blood, and your brain cannot get the oxygen it needs.

  • Your adrenals step in and release adrenaline (epinephrine) in your blood when this happens.

  • Adrenaline is caustic to all organs, and your liver has to step in to mop up the spill. This will tire your busy liver and weaken it.

A tired liver will eventually not produce enough bile to digest... fat, and the problem will worsen.

Eventually, you will have fat deposits in your arteries and your heart. The fat build-up will be a magnet to toxins such as toxic heavy metals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides, etc...

A small amount of fat in your brain interacts with the toxic heavy metals and causes corrosion. In the long term, this may trigger Alzheimer, Dementia, depression, memory loss, or other neurological problems.

Good fat, but too much can damage your liver

HBP - A Short Story

I had an Israeli doctor visit me back in 2017. He was a highly qualified physician in charge of a group of 30 doctors in Tel Aviv. During one of our conversations, he mentioned that he was a vegan practitioner and could not understand why he had high blood pressure.

I questioned his diet and discovered that he was rather fond of the following:

  • Avocados

  • Oil for sautés

  • Oil for salad dressing

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Peanut butter

  • Coconut milk and cream

  • Beans such as chickpeas, lentils, etc...

I told him that this was the cause of his problem. He was afraid that he would not get enough protein if he did not eat some "good fat". I told him 😇 that all vegetables and fruits contain easily absorbable fat and that he would be fine cutting down.

Amazingly enough, he did. I spoke to him a few months later, and he confirmed that his blood pressure was under control.

blood pressure taking
blood pressure taking

If you don't know what you are doing this book is a must.