Is Psychic Surgery Genuine

Is psychic surgery genuine? Some who have never witnessed the work of a genuine psychic surgeon claim that it is fake. Honest investigators who have seen a sincere surgeon working know it is authentic.

The next movie follows a psychic surgeon on the job, a team of doctors, and actor Burt Lancaster, who continuously observe him. Their big question was, "Is psychic surgery genuine?" The team analysed the blood and pus extracted from the patient and declared the surgeon genuine. Please take a look at the short film below for yourself.

Testing the Surgeon

This is how I tested the surgeons to ascertain if their psychic surgery was genuine:

  1. I held the surgeon's hands just before the treatment. You can only do this if they have agreed to it.

  2. I pretended to tie my shoelace, looked under the couch, and peeped on the surgeon's side.

  3. I filmed the surgery close-up and thoroughly analysed it afterwards. Ninety per cent of the so-called psychic surgeons I tested failed these tests.

Psychic Surgeon James

Psychic Surgeon James is Genuine

  • James is, in my opinion, the most gifted psychic surgeon in the Philippines.

  • James can work on all conditions, including cancers, recurring tumours, heart problems, diabetes, thyroid, etc...

Psychic Surgery Golden rules

  1. Do not accept psychic surgery treatments from somebody you meet in the street or on the beach. They are most likely fake.

  2. Voodoo and spells
    Even a fake psychic surgeon may have the power to put a spell on you. This has happened to me twice. I would have been paralysed had I not managed to get help.

    Be very careful.

Booking a Psychic Surgery trip to the philippines

The vaccination requirements for flying to the Philippines vary from country to country. Call your embassy in the Philippines to find out what you need.

Should you decide to have psychic surgery treatments in the Philippines, Patrick will organise your trip and accompany you.

Patrick has been organizing trips to visit james since 1997, making him the most experienced organiser in this field. You can trust his expertise to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.