Corinne Baker testimonial after Psychic Surgery

Corinne Baker's Testimonial after Successful Psychic Surgery Treatments
Corinne Baker's Testimonial after Successful Psychic Surgery Treatments

My fantastic journey into the world of bare hand surgery began in August 2004 when on a trip to the Philippines with Patrick, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 40.
In December 2004, Jun diagnosed that the cancer had also moved to my Liver, thus making my condition a “terminal cancer”. I had only 6-8 months to live according to modern medicine.
Jun is the most beautiful and powerful healer I have ever met. He removed cancerous tumours from both my breasts and Liver. Together with Patrick, who helped me regain health and vitality by suggesting (significant!) changes to my diet and lifestyle, I can honestly say they saved my life, and I am so grateful to both.
I still go to the Philippines for check-ups and peace of mind. I have followed Patrick’s dietary advice and have excluded the food he told me caused my condition, and I have tried to minimise the use of chemicals in my home. I have to confess that, although I have found it a challenging task, I have never looked back, and I feel better and more energetic than ever before.
I feel so privileged to have been introduced to the Philippines, Patrick and Jun Labo.