Pierre Gevaert Testimonial after surgery with Laurence

Testimonial after successful Psychic Surgery treatments
Testimonial after successful Psychic Surgery treatments

About 30 years ago I came from Belgium with my wife and two other person to be treated by Jun Labo (Jun no longer practices).
My problem was the heart. When mounting the stairs or walking up a hill my heart forced me to stop, waiting a few seconds and so forth. This handicap at 55 years old was severe and condemned me to avoid sports and work in the garden.

At the third treatment (of eight), Jun opened my breast near the heart and a great quantity of blood squirted around the place.

As usual Jun invited us for a talk after the treatments, and made a drawing for me and said:

"Pierre, a valve in your heart was blocked, today I opened it."
Now I am 85, capable not only for taking long walks but also for active physical work in the garden and in the woods. In our local golf club I am the oldest playing weekly eighteen holes without abnormal fatigue.
My wife and I have now returned to the Philippines in 2014 with trip organizer Patrick Hamouy.