Ratatouille on the fly

If you are new to cooking on the fly, this probably is the easiest meal to prepare.
You can check your fridge and drawer to see what is available. In mine, I found tomatoes, aubergines (eggplants), and zucchini.
In my larder, I knew I had all the spices I would need to cook this meal.
Let's get cooking
First, cut your zucchini, tomatoes, and aubergines (eggplants) into the size you prefer. Remember, your personal taste is the most important factor when you cook.
Then, finely chop your garlic and onions.
In the picture below, you can see the ingredients I used:
Oil (I decided not to use it in the end)
Freshly extracted lemon juice
Eventually, I decided I wanted my food to have more flavour, so I added cayenne and Paprika.
The Recipe

I prepared this in the simplest way you can imagine, and it was yummy.
I added the vegetables to my pan
I added the garlic and onion (you could cook those in a bit of oil first, but I decided not to)
I then added the salt, pepper, thyme, lemon juice and water to the pan and stirred everything for a while
I brought the lot to a boil and immediately lowered my flame to simmer
I let it cook for 12 minutes, tasting it a few times
I added a little salt, cayenne and paprika after about 8 minutes.
Finally, happy with the vegetable consistency, I turned off the gas.