Methylene Blue Usage

I recently ordered five small phials of Methylene Blue (MB) powder from my supplier, CZTL. They are the cheapest, have the best purity, and can ship to any country.
I always order the 1% concentration. One vertical drop of it is equal to 0.5 mg.
To prepare my 1% solution, I mix the powder content of one phial with 100 ml of purified water in a small brown glass bottle. I shake it, and it's ready to be used.

How to safely start taking Methylene Blue
On day 1, start with one drop to a full glass of water.
On day 2, increase to two drops.
Keep adding one drop every day
When you reach 10 drops, you can start taking Methylene Blue twice daily (i.e., two lots of 5 drops) in 500 ml of purified water. Leave a gap of at least 5 hours between the servings.
Leave a one-hour gap between Methylene Blue and food or drinks. This does not apply to purified water.
When you reach 30 drops, stay on that quantity for a couple of weeks.
If you are still suffering from memory loss after two weeks,
Find out your body weight.
Keep adding one drop every day to your previous 30 drops. I.e. 31, 32, 33, etc.. until you reach a number of drops equal to your body weight.
For 60 kg, this equals 30 drops twice a day (a total of 60 drops). Leave at least 5 hours between each take and at least one hour before or after any food or drinks except water.
For 80 kg, this equals 40 drops twice a day (a total of 80 drops).
ALWAYS take Methylene Blue with 500 ml (16 oz) of water.
If you are not having any ill effects, you may stay on the quantity that is equal to your weight and give it some time. It may take a couple of years to get positive results.
If this has not worked, you may have to keep increasing the quantity of Methylene Blue you are taking, but it is beyond my competence to help you further.
I hope you have managed to fix your memory problems by now, and I congratulate you.
Important things to remember
Take Methylene Blue first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Do not eat or drink for 1 hour after taking MB, except for purified water.
If you react negatively to a quantity, stick to that quantity on subsequent days UNTIL there is no more reaction, then increase one drop at a time again... If your symptoms remain longer than one week, stop using Methylene Blue until the symptoms disappear, and start again at a lower dosage than the one that caused you a reaction.
Always take Methylene Blue with 500 ml (16 fl oz) of water.
If you dislike the taste, add 1 to 5 g of vitamin C powder to it. It will increase the strength of the dye but won't improve the taste.
If you wish to increase the strength of your treatment further, go outside and get some sunshine.

My prayers are with you.