Memory Problems & Methylene Blue

It is also a successful medication that may help people recover from dementia, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's disease.
Since Big Pharma cannot profit from a patent on Methylene Blue, they have no interest in researching it.

Numerous scientific investigations have demonstrated that when taken internally, methylene blue has innumerable advantages that contribute to its effectiveness in easing the symptoms of memory issues.

The causes of dementia, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease are unknown to modern medicine. They have speculated that genetic abnormalities are to blame. Millions of dollars have been invested in research over the years to identify the causes of these memory issues and develop solutions. They have failed to discover a remedy.

Methylene blue is a salt used as a dye.
The good news:

Methylene Blue was discovered in 1876. Modern medicine cannot put a patent on it, and as such, they are not interested in it.

This means that it is reasonably cheap and can be freely bought and shipped to most countries.

I purchase my Methylene Blue from this company. They offer pharmaceutical USP grade of the highest purity and are the cheapest on the market.

If you want to learn how to use Methylene Blue, please check this page.

According to one study, mitochondrial metabolism declines with age in the brain. This phenomenon may be the primary cause of many neurological conditions, such as dementia, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's disease.

A sufficient supply of ATP, an energy-carrying molecule present in all living creatures' cells, is necessary for all the parameters linked to a healthy brain. The chemical energy produced by the breakdown of food molecules is captured by ATP and released to power other cellular functions (a bit like a battery). Additionally, your capacity to comprehend, remember, and communicate deteriorates as energy production—also referred to as the metabolic rate within brain cells—ages.

Mitochondria and ATP

One significant finding is the strong correlation between nitric oxide and dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. Nitric oxide is one of the leading causes of the decline in energy output with ageing. Surprisingly, nitric oxide is often taught to medical and nursing students as a miracle chemical to prevent ageing and enhance brain health. However, several scientific investigations show that it is not a wonder molecule but rather a highly harmful free radical often found in pollution. It is also becoming increasingly evident that this molecule is the cause of dementia-related disorders.

For instance, it has been discovered that nitric oxide significantly builds up surrounding the plaques in Alzheimer's disease patients' brains. It has been suggested that it may be one of the primary causes of brain cell death, which is frequently observed in patients with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. It has been demonstrated that methylene blue is highly effective at preventing the body from producing nitric oxide. And this is among the factors that make it potentially highly successful in treating dementia.

One of the strongest nitric oxide inhibitors is methylene blue. This lowers nitric oxide synthesis and scavenges it in your body and blood.

Nitric oxide is a highly harmful free radical

Nitric Oxide

When examining the brains of individuals with Alzheimer's disease, some researchers have discovered that improperly shaped Tau proteins or neurofibrillary tangles within brain cells called neurones are widespread among patients. A study using genetically altered mice lacking the Tau protein was conducted. They failed to function properly, and they discovered that a significant part of Alzheimer's disease is caused by the distorted Tau proteins that are present in the brain cells of those who have the disease. According to a 2019 study by a team of researchers from Japan's Gakyu University and Kiyo University School of Medicine, methylene blue can fix this issue by preventing the brain's neurofibrillary tangles from forming.

TAU proteins in red-orange

TAU Proteins

Dr. Marc says that no medicine can stop plaque formation. He is Wrong; Methylene Blue may stop it.